- class MSCalculate.ISTD_Operations
A collection of functions to perform calculation relating to ISTD
- read_ISTD_map(column_name, logger=None, ingui=False, doing_normalization=False, allow_multiple_istd=False)
Function to get the transition names annotation dataframe from the MS Template Creator annotation file.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The file path to the MS Template Creator annotation file
column_name (str) – The name of the column given in the Output_Options.
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
doing_normalization (bool) – if True, check if input file has data. If no data, throws an error
allow_multiple_istd (bool) – if True, allow normalization of data by mulitple internal standards
- Returns:
Transition_Name_Annot_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of showing the transition names annotation
- read_Sample_Annot(MS_FilePathList, column_name, logger=None, ingui=False)
Function to get the sample names annotation dataframe from the MS Template Creator annotation file.
- Parameters:
filepath (str) – The file path to the MS Template Creator annotation file
MS_FilePathList (list) – A list of MRM transition name file names.
column_name (str) – The name of the column given in the Output_Options.
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
The list of MRM transition name file names names is to help the program properly filter the Sample annotation such that we only pick rows whose Data_File_Name values is in the list. Currently, our input is set as [os.path.basename(self.MS_FilePath)] from MSAnalysis.
- Returns:
Sample_Annot_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of showing the sample names annotation
- create_Transition_Name_dict(Transition_Name_Annot_df, logger=None, ingui=False, allow_multiple_istd=False)
Create a dictionary to map the Transition_Name to the Transition_Name_ISTD and an ISTD report to map Transition_Name_ISTD to Transition_Name
- Parameters:
Transition_Name_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns
Transition_Name_Annot_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of showing the transition names annotation
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
allow_multiple_istd (bool) – if True, ISTD data can have mulitple internal standards for one transition
- Returns:
(list) –
list containing:
ISTD_report_list (pandas DataFrame): An updated ISTD report to map Transition_Name_ISTD to Transition_Name
Transition_Name_dict (dict): An updated python dictionary to map the Transition_Name to the Transition_Name_ISTD
- expand_Transition_Name_df(Transition_Name_dict, logger=None, ingui=False)
Expand Transition_Name_df so that it can be normalised by multiple ISTD
- Parameters:
Transition_Name_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns
Transition_Name_dict (dict) – A python dictionary to map the Transition_Name to the Transition_Name_ISTD and an ISTD report to map Transition_Name_ISTD to Transition_Name
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
- Returns:
(list) –
- list containing:
expanded_Transition_Name_df (pandas DataFrame): A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns suited for normalisation by multiple ISTD
- normalise_by_ISTD(Transition_Name_dict, logger=None, ingui=False, allow_multiple_istd=False)
Perform normalisation using the values from the Transition_Name_ISTD
- Parameters:
Transition_Name_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns
Transition_Name_dict (dict) – A python dictionary to map the Transition_Name to the Transition_Name_ISTD and an ISTD report to map Transition_Name_ISTD to Transition_Name
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
allow_multiple_istd (bool) – if True, allow normalisation of Transition_Name_df mulitple internal standards (in development)
- Returns:
(list) –
- list containing:
norm_Transition_Name_df (pandas DataFrame): A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns with the normalised values
ISTD_data (pandas DataFrame): A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns with the ISTD area as values. Output as excel only at testing mode
- getConc_by_ISTD(ISTD_Annot_df, Sample_Annot_df, logger=None, ingui=False, allow_multiple_istd=False, allow_multiple_data_file_path=False)
Perform calculation of analyte concentration using values from Transition_Name_Annot_ISTD
- Parameters:
Transition_Name_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns
ISTD_Annot_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame showing the ISTD annotation
Sample_Annot_df (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame showing the sample name annotation
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
allow_multiple_istd (bool) – if True, allow normalisation of Transition_Name_df mulitple internal standards
allow_multiple_data_file_path (bool) – if True, allow calculation of concentration using Sample_Annot_df that has more than one data file name
- Returns:
(list) –
list containing:
Conc_df (pandas DataFrame): A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns with the transition name concentration as values
ISTD_Conc_df (pandas DataFrame): A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns with the ISTD concentration as values
ISTD_Samp_Ratio_df (pandas DataFrame): A data frame of with transition names, its corresponding ISTD and ISTD to Sample ratio as columns