- MSDuplicateCheck.check_duplicated_columns_in_wide_data(input_wide_data, output_option, logger=None, ingui=True, allow_multiple_istd=False)
Function to check for duplicate column names (usually Transition Name) in a given wide data.
- Parameters:
input_wide_data (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns
output_option (str) – The name of the contents that the data frame contains. Example: Area, RT etc…
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
allow_multiple_istd (bool) – if True, allow input_wide_data to have mulitple internal standards
- MSDuplicateCheck.check_duplicated_sample_names_in_wide_data(input_wide_data, output_option, logger=None, ingui=True, allow_multiple_istd=False)
Function to check for duplicate sample names in a given wide data.
- Parameters:
input_wide_data (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of sample as rows and transition names as columns
output_option (str) – The name of the contents that the data frame contains. Example: Area, RT etc…
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
allow_multiple_istd (bool) – if True, allow input_wide_data to have mulitple internal standards