- class MSDataReport.MSDataReport(output_directory, input_file_path, logger=None, ingui=True)
A class to describe the general setup for Data Reporting
- Parameters:
output_directory (str) – directory path to output the data
input_file_path (str) – file path of the input MRM transition name file. To be used for the output filename
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
- class MSDataReport.MSDataReport_PDF(output_directory, input_file_path, logger=None, ingui=True, testing=False)
A class to describe the general setup for Data Reporting in pdf
- Parameters:
output_directory (str) – directory path to output the data
input_file_path (str) – file path of the input MRM transition name file. To be used for the output filename
logger (object) – logger object created by start_logger in MSOrganiser
ingui (bool) – if True, print analysis status to screen
Make sure that the directory msreport is in the same directory as this code See for more info on creating html template
- create_parameters_report(Parameters_df)
A function to generate the parameter inputs from dataframe to html and store it in a list self.__pdf_pages.
- Parameters:
Parameters_df (pandas DataFrame) – A dataframe storing the input parameters
- create_ISTD_report(ISTD_Report)
A function to generate ISTD normalisation report from dataframe to html and store it in a list self.__pdf_pages.
- Parameters:
ISTD_Report (pandas DataFrame) – A data frame of with transition names, its corresponding ISTD as columns.
- output_to_PDF()
A function to convert the list of html in self.__pdf_pages to pages in pdf