- class test_MSRawData.Agilent_Test(methodName='runTest')
- setUp()
Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
- test_WideData()
Check if the software is able to do the following with WideTableForm.csv:
Extract Area, RT and FWHM successfully using AgilentMSRawData.get_table
Traspose the data correctly using MSDataOutput.transpose_MSdata
- test_WideData_Qualifier()
Check if the software is able to do the following with WideTableForm_Qualifier.csv:
Extract Area successfully using AgilentMSRawData.get_table
- test_ISOEncodedData()
Check if the software is able to do the following with ISO_8859_1_Encoding.csv:
Extract Area successfully using AgilentMSRawData.get_table
- test_WideDataLarge()
Check if the software is able to do the following with large dataset LargeTestData.csv:
Extract Area, RT and FWHM successfully using AgilentMSRawData.get_table
- test_CompoundData()
Check if the software is able to do the following with large dataset CompoundTableForm.csv:
Extract Area and RT successfully using AgilentMSRawData.get_table
- test_CompoundData_Qualifier()
Check if the software is able to do the following with CompoundTableForm_Qualifier.csv:
Extract Area successfully using AgilentMSRawData.get_table
- test_SciexData()
Check if the software is able to do the following with large dataset Mohammed_SciEx_data.txt:
Extract Area and RT successfully using SciexMSRawData.get_table
- tearDown()
Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.